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Back-end arendaja

Back-End Developer


As a back-end developer you will closely work with the development team to contribute to the success of Bingoal’s projects by:
• Crafting and improving back- end code while keeping best practices in mind
• Testing your development together with business owners to ensure responsiveness and efficiency
• Troubleshooting, debugging and upgrading applications and websites
• Writing technical documentation
• Collaborating and communicating with the other members of the IT team as well as the other teams in the organization
• Contributing to continuous improvement in product quality, security, performance, …

Specifically, after a training period, you will be responsible for the integration of new casino providers to continuously develop Bingoal’s offer to their players.

Nõuded kandidaadile

Keel Kõnes Kirjas
EN nõutud C1 C1
Töökogemus sarnasel ametikohal
vähemalt 1 aasta
Muud nõuded
Requirements: • You have at least 1,5 years of relevant professional experience • You have experience with multiple languages; two of them at least being Object Oriented • Experience with .Net technologies is a plus • You are skilled in code optimization & factorization • You do not shy away from diving into legacy code and making it current • You have experience in developing, delivering and maintaining APIs and back-end tools • You've dealt with one or more flavours of SQL implementation and writing queries is a natural reflex • You can adapt and learn regardless of the stack/architecture used (have you ever heard of Intersystems Caché or would you be curious to discover?) • You have a “can do” attitude to keep producing high quality code & functionalities for the end user • You are fluent in English

Omalt poolt pakume

Training provided:
• Initial onboarding and induction training of 2 weeks in Brussels:
- Familiarization with the organization and the sector
- Introduction to the IT team and infrastructure
- Training about development practices at Bingoal
- Specific training based on responsibilities assigned by senior developers in the team
• Continuous mentoring from experienced developers and experts of the sector
• Opportunity to follow trainings tailored to specific needs of the employee (e.g. technical skills,
languages, …) in alignment with management

Any other benefits:
• Flexible hours
• Hybrid working mode

Töökoha andmed

Töökoha asukoht
Vabade töökohtade arv
Töötasu (bruto)
(27.000€ - 50.000€ per year)
Töösuhte kestus

Kandideerimise info

CVs and a covering email are to be sent by email to [email protected] and should be
written in English.
Please quote the vacancy name and number in your email (Back-End Developer (Ref: 410861)).

Interviews will be held via Teams.
Kandideerimise tähtaeg
Vajalikud dokumendid
David Muscat , EURES Malta, [email protected]