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2872 great job offers from 5 sources Looking for employees? Publish job ad

Tänavakivide paigaldaja

Eriring OÜ


Tänavakivide paigaldamine.

Requirements for candidate

Language skills
Language Oral Written
ET indicative B1 A1
RU indicative B1 A1
Work experience in the same profession
vähemalt 1 aasta

We offer

Väikest kollektiivi.

Information about job

Office location
Pärnu maakond
Number of openings
Working time
Töögraafik on paindlik.
Duration of employment

Application information

Kandideerimiseks saatke oma CV koos palgasooviga (tööle asumise võimalus on koheselt).
Deadline for the submission of applications
Required documents
Contact person
Juhatuse liige, [email protected]